Welcome to PCMCS



Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir’s, Panchavati College of Management and Computer Science Library was founded in 2007-08, in MGV'S Campus, Panchavati, Nashik, it is one of the leading college libraries. Our college includes a well-kept library with around 3,411 volumes including reference books, encyclopaedias, dictionaries, thesaurus, biographies, yearbooks, and other materials on a variety of topics. The College frequently subscribes to 11 national and regional journals, magazines, and publications. Not only is the collection larger in size, but it is also of higher quality. In addition to providing services through this enormous collection, our library keeps readers informed about current advancements in the field of knowledge by becoming a member of DELNET (Developing Library Network) New Delhi. Readers have complete freedom to choose and check out books from a library on their own.

The library is well-stocked with audiovisual aids and is fully automated with standard library software. For all B. Sc Computer Science, B.C.A., B.B.A., B.B.M., Bachelor in Fine Arts, M.C.M., M.Sc. Computer Science students. At the beginning of every Academic Year PCMCS College library has provides special scheme for poor students. The College Library has the Inter-Library borrowing facility with L.V.H. college., Nashik. A valuable reading hall with a capacity of around 300 students welcomes students to settle down and study. The library also includes a distinct reference section. The reference area is stocked with a variety of reference books, magazines, journals, and CDs. The library assists our students, researchers, and faculty members with their studies, research projects, and competitive tests by providing a variety of resources and services. The library ensures that we are a library for the next generation of the twenty-first century and beyond, while also preserving knowledge from the past through a diverse collection. Employees of the library truly strive to assist our readers.

1.1 Objectives.

The College Library having multi-platform social media services which is the primary role of offering collection of resources and services to all students, faculty members, and visiting staff members.

  • To support teaching, learning and extracurricular activities actively and innovatively.
  • To acquire, process, organize and provide access to high quality information sources both in print and digital form, for present and future time.
  • To contribute towards college goals and objectives to achieve excellence and professionalism.
  • To deliver the services as per the changing need of our users,


    Monday – Friday : 09:45 A.M. TO 04:45 P.M.
    Saturday : 9:45 A.M. TO 12:45 P.M.
    Borrowing Hours : 10:15 A.M. to 04 : 30 A.M.
    Reading Hours : 10:15 A.M. to 04 : 30 A.M
    Public Holidays : Remains closed

Library is providing the extended opening hours reading room facility during the student’s examination period.

Library Advisory Committee

The function of the Library Advisory Committee is to support the functioning of the library so that it can facilitate the library development plans by advocating the library development activities with the management. This is to act as channel of communication and dialogue between the library system and its users.

2.1 Objectives of Library Advisory Committee :-

MGV’s PCMCS College Library believes that effective governance is the key to provide the quality education. In order to meet this aim, College Library tries to provide every student a high quality learning experience by adopting the following parameters as the objectives…..

  • -To formulate rules and regulations of the library.
  • To do annual planning and annual Budget Provision.
  • -To purchase essential books, journals etc. as required by HOD, teachers and students.
  • - To make arrangement for proper storage of books.
  • -To make improvement in safety, security and facilities.
  • - To provide every possible support and guidance to the librarian.
  • -To consider and put forward the views and ideas of faculty and students regarding selection and acquisition of library resources (i.e. books journals etc.) and other library services. To explore possibilities of establishing academic ties with other library bodies.
  • -To ensure technological up gradation of the library.


Sr. no. Name of the committee member Designation
1 Prin. Hon Dr. Apoorv Hiray Principal
2 Prof. Deepak Dandawate Vice Principal
3 Prof. Dr. Laxmi Karnjikar Member
4 Mrs. Chetana Desale Member
5 Mr. Nikhil Deshmukh Member
6 Miss Student Representative
7 Mrs. Rupali M. Shardul Secretary
8 Mr. Vaibhav Sonavne Member
9 Mr. Gokul Ahire Member


The College Library provides services as well as best and innovative practices that develop the interest of reading and promote the habits between the students.

1. Online Public Accessible Catalogue This service is offered at the Library main entrance. Students can search MGV’s PCMCS Library Collection via the Online Public Accessible catalogue, which is offered by standardized library software.

2. Open Access Facility All MGV’s PCMCS Library members, including students, faculty members, MGV Visitors as well as users have physical access to the Library’s collections and resources.

3. Lending ServiceThe users can be issued the required book using the Library software system by scanning the book’s Barcode Number with a Barcode reader.

4. Reference ServiceThe reference service is a personalized service provided to the library patrons to aid them in locating information from library collections as well as online catalogue databases and other e-resources.

5. Current Awareness Service:To keep library patrons informed about recent advancements in the fields of management, economics, managerial accounting, and business management, the library offers a current awareness service in the form of an e-mail alerting them to new papers, books, and news items.

6. User Orientation Program: At the start of each academic year, a user orientation program is delivered to newly admitted students and faculty members. The orientation program gives users a general overview of the library, its services and resources, how to use the catalogue, and where to find resources, among other things.

7. Literature Search / Inter-library loan: Library has established contacts with different libraries in MGV’s Campus, to meet the varied information needs of library clientele. Library procures the resources which are not available in its own collection required for the clientele from other libraries on inter library loan.

8. Poor Boys Fund (PBF) Scheme:  Our library runs poor boys fund Scheme. Under this scheme economically poor and needy student are given books for entire year. They return the books after the annul examination.

9. Digital Identity Card Services: Yearly about 3500 Identity cards are issued to Students by our Library Section.

10. Internet Service : Library has provides the Internet access service to the students and staff members.

11. New Arrival Display : There is a new arrival display rack where the newly arrived books and non book materials are displayed. A list of new books is also displayed on the library notice board.

12. Reading Room : There two sections in reading room one is for faculty where faculty consult the text books, reference books, general books etc. and second is for students where students consult text books, reference books, encyclopedias, dictionary general books etc

13. Question Bank : MGV’s IMR library collect and preserve the university exam and internal exam question papers on different subjects in print as well as e- format.

14. Periodical Section :In periodical section there are different types of journal on different subject related management era. The current journals are not for loan or home lending. The users can read them through the sitting in reading room.

15. Delente: The library is a DELNET database institutional member, which provides teachers and students with access to e-journals and e-books via a Broad Band link


1. Books Exhibition Prorgram : The MGV’s PCMCS Library arrange the book exhibition program through for newly admitted students.

2. Knowledge Share and Word of the day- The Librarian distributes the Word of the Day and the Daily Five English Vocabulary Words via the Library Whats App group to students in order to help them improve their vocabulary.

3. Occasional Activity – The library should share the online and offline information resources as well as arrange the different activities for the users on the different occasion and birth anniversary as well as days of renowned personalities. For example, World book day, Librarian Day, Birth anniversary of A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Revolution day, etc. The Mgv’s Pcmcs Library done all the above mentioned activities on a regular basis.

Open access E Resources

Library Gallery

Library Infrastructure

Library Infrastructure and Dignitories Visit

Library Infrastructure and Dignitories Visit

Library Infrastructure and Dignitories Visit

Library Infrastructure and Dignitories Visit

Library Infrastructure and Dignitories Visit

Library Infrastructure and Dignitories Visit

Library Infrastructure and Dignitories Visit

Library Infrastructure and Dignitories Visit

Library Infrastructure and Dignitories Visit

Library Infrastructure and Dignitories Visit

Library Infrastructure and Dignitories Visit

Library Infrastructure and Dignitories Visit

Information literacy Training

Workshop on Training Programme for library Staff

Hon. Dr. V. S. More Co ordinator M.G. Vidyamandir, Nashik, inaugurating the workshop on Training Programme.

Prof. S.P. Vyalij, Librarian delivering addressing at the function.

Hon. Dr. V. S. More Co ordinator M.G. Vidyamandir’s, Nashik, delivering key-note Address during inaugural function of Training Programme On the dais dignitaries are Prin. Dr. B. S. Jagdale, Prin. Dr. Ujawala Deore¸ Prof. R. K. Sagar librarian, M.S.G.College, Malegaon

Hon. Dr. V. S. More Co ordinator M.G. Vidyamandir’s, NashikPrin. Dr. B. S. Jagdale, PrinLVH College.Dr. Swati Bhadkamkar Librarian HPT RYK CollegeNashik.Dignitaries addressing the participants

Hon. Dr. V. S. More Co ordinator M.G. Vidyamandir, Nashik, Hon. Satisji Shinde Register, M.G. Vidyamandir, Nashik, Vice Prin. Dr. R. P. Bhamare, Prin. Dr. Rajendra Bhambar ¸ Vice Prin. Dr. Mrunal Bhardwaj Vice Prin. Dr. N. B. Pawar Prof S. P. Vyalij Librarian etc. Attended inaugural function of Book exhibition.

Dr. R. P. Bhamare addressing at the function.

Visitor of Book Exhibition Programs

Visitor of Book Exhibition Programs

Hon’ble Swami Jyoti Swarupanand Saraswati Ramakrishna math Nagpur, Hon. Vice Prin. Dr. R. P. Bhamare, delivering key-note address during inaugural function of book donation for students programme on the dais dignitaries like, Vice Prin. Dr. Mrunal Bhardwaj Prof S. P. Vyalij Librarian etc.

Hon’ble Swami Jyoti Swarupanand Saraswati Ramakrishna math Nagpur, Hon. Vice Prin. Dr. R. P. Bhamare, delivering key-note address during inaugural function of book donation for students programme on the dais dignitaries like, Vice Prin. Dr. Mrunal Bhardwaj Prof S. P. Vyalij Librarian etc.

Teachers Literary Meet 2013 -14

Book Exhibition

Senior poet Hon. VitthaljiWagh inaugurating “ Book Exhibition” kept in “ State level Teachers Literary Meet 2013” being sponsored by Karmaveer Bhausaheb Hiray Pratishthan Mumbai.on the occasion dignitaries present are Hon. Vice President of state legislator Govt. of Maha. Hon. Vasantraoji Purke , Samaj Shri Ex. Minister govt. of Maha. Hon Prashantdada Hiray MLC Hon. Vikrmaji Kale, MLC Hon. Dr. Apoorva Hiray

Initiation/Orientation Service.

Students visiting library.

ग्रंथालय आणि माहितीशास्राचे जनकपद्मश्री डॉ. एस.आर.रंगनाथन यांचे जयंती साजरी करण्यात आली त्या प्रसंगी महाविद्यालयाचे प्राचार्यडॉ. बापूसाहेब जगदाळे समवेत महाविद्यालायचे ग्रंथपाल प्रा. एस. पी. व्याळीज, कला व वाणिज्य शाखा प्रमुख डॉ. विनीत रकिबे, मराठी विभाग प्रमुख डॉ. किरण पिंगळे,ग्रंथालयकर्मचारीव विद्यार्थी.

ग्रंथालय विभागाला सदिच्छा भेटी दरम्यान मा. डॉ. राजेंद्र कुंभार आणि डॉ. सदानंद बनसोडे, मा. डॉ. भाऊसाहेब पानगे (सा.फु. पुणे विद्यापीठ, पुणे)) यांच्या समवेत महाविद्यालयाचे प्राचार्यडॉ. बापूसाहेबएस. जगदाळे, ग्रंथपाल प्रा. एस. पी. व्याळीज आदि सह ग्रंथालय कर्मचारी.

ग्रंथालय विभागाला सदिच्छा भेटी दरम्यान प्रा.डॉ. मून हाय किम - दक्षिण कोरिया, प्रा.डॉ. पंकज कोईनकर - जपान यांच्या समवेत महाविद्यालयाचे प्राचार्यडॉ. बापूसाहेबएस. जगदाळे, ग्रंथपाल प्रा. एस. पी. व्याळीज आदि सह ग्रंथालय कर्मचारी.

गग्रंथालय विभागाला सदिच्छा भेटी दरम्यान प्रा.डॉ. मून हाय किम - दक्षिण कोरिया, प्रा.डॉ. पंकज कोईनकर - जपान यांच्या समवेत महाविद्यालयाचे प्राचार्यडॉ. बापूसाहेबएस. जगदाळे, ग्रंथपाल प्रा. एस. पी. व्याळीज आदि सह ग्रंथालय कर्मचारी.


The library has collection of print resources that include text books, reference books, books for general reading, journals, magazines, newspapers, etc. The library also has a collection of CDs and DVDs.


Sr. No. Particulars No’s
1 Total No of Books (Volumes) 3,411
2 Total Cost of Above Volumes 10,60,973
3 Total No of Titles 1,213
4 Total No of Journals 10
5 Total Amount of Annual Journal Subscription 22,250
6 E-PDF Books 512
7 Total No of Newspaper 09
8 Total No of Audio – Video Materials 57
9 Online E-Resources DELNET (Developing Library Network Database – E-Books, Theses, Journals) 6,000
10 Cost of Delnet Databse 13,570/-

Audio and video literature

Syllabus based Audio Lectures for Arts Science and Commerce faculty students all subjects. view
Syllabus based Audio Lectures for Arts Science and Commerce faculty students all subjects. view
Syllabus based Audio Lectures for Commerce faculty students view
Audio Lectures for Commerce Students on Basics of Income Tax and Tax Calculator view
Audio Lectures based on syllabus for various competitive exams and KVS for primary teachers view
Audio lectures based on various competitive exams view
Audio lectures based on various competitive exams view
Audio lectures of various subjects based on UGC NET and SET exam view
Audio lectures on various subjects based on Central Public Service Commission Exam view


4.2.2 The institution has subscription for the following e-resources (6) 1. e-journals, 2. e-ShodhSindhu, 3. Shodhganga membersip, 4. e-books, 5. Databases, 6. Remote access to e- resources
4.2.3 Average annual expenditure for purchase of books/ e-books and subscription to journals/e-journals during the last five years (INR in Lakhs) (5)
Year 4 (2017-18)
Library resources If yes, details of memberships/subscriptions Expenditure on subscription to e-journals, e-books (INR in lakhs) Total Library Expenditure Link to the relevant document
Books Printed Books Purchased 7.22 7.22 View View
Journals Printed Journals Purchased 0.92 0.92 View
e – journals NLIST Database DD/RTGS/NEFT UTR No. 303402 Dated 01/03/2017 /Receipt no. 44639 0.05 0.05 View view
e-books NLIST Database DD/RTGS/NEFT UTR No. 303402 Dated 01/03/2017 /Receipt no. 44639 View
e-ShodhSindhu NLIST Database DD/RTGS/NEFT UTR No. 303402 Dated 01/03/2017 /Receipt no. 44639 View
Shodhganga Open Access Open Access View
Databases DELNET - Digital Library Resources DD 303664 Date 05/07/2017 /Receipt no. /48199/2017-18 memberships -IM5295 0.11 0.11 View view
Local and / or Remote access to e- resources (Specify) Savitribai Phule Pune University,Pune(Sub Center Nashik)E Library 0 0 View
Year 5 (2018-19)
Library resources If yes, details of memberships/subscriptions Expenditure on subscription to e-journals, e-books (INR in lakhs) Total Library Expenditure Link to the relevant document
Books Printed Books Purchased 2.55 2.55 View View
Journals Printed Books Purchased 0.99 0.99 View
e-Journals NLIST Database RTGS/NEFT UTR No. SDC10758074421349 Dated 15/03/2018 /Receipt no. 00021831 0.05 0.05 View view
e-books NLIST Database RTGS/NEFT UTR No. SDC10758074421349 Dated 15/03/2018 /Receipt no. 00021831 View view
e-ShodhSindhu NLIST Database RTGS/NEFT UTR No. SDC10758074421349 Dated 15/03/2018 /Receipt no. 00021831 view View
Shodhganga Open Access Open Access View
Databases DELNET - Digital Library Resources DD. SOC90828178 Date 14/08/2018 /Receipt no. 53094/2018-19 memberships -IM5295 0.13 0.13 View view
Local and / or Remote access to e- resources (Specify) Savitribai Phule Pune University,Pune(Sub Center Nashik)E -Library 0.00 0.00 View
Year 5 (2019-20)
Library resources If yes, details of memberships/subscriptions Expenditure on subscription to e-journals, e-books (INR in lakhs) Total Library Expenditure Link to the relevant document
Books Printed Books Purchased 1.15 1.15 View View
Journals Printed Journals Purchased 1.15 1.15 View
e-Journals NLIST Database RTGS/NEFT UTR No. SDC107510276 Dated 22/03/2019 /Receipt no. 25020 0.05 0.05 View view
e-books NLIST Database RTGS/NEFT UTR No. SDC107510276 Dated 22/03/2019 /Receipt no. 25020 View view
e-ShodhSindhu NLIST Database RTGS/NEFT UTR No. SDC107510276 Dated 22/03/2019 /Receipt no. 25020 View view
Shodhganga Open Access 0.0 0.0 Open Access View
Databases DELNET - Digital Library Resources DD. SDC114930609 Date 05/07/2019 /Receipt no. /57424/2019-20 memberships -IM5295 0.13 0.13 View view
Local and / or Remote access to e- resources (Specify) Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune (Sub Center Nashik) E -Library 0.00 0.00 View
Year 5 (2020-21)
Library resources If yes, details of memberships/subscriptions Expenditure on subscription to e-journals, e-books (INR in lakhs) Total Library Expenditure Link to the relevant document
Books Printed Books Purchased 2.73 2.73 View View
Journals Printed Journals Purchased 0.72 0.72 View
e-Journals NLIST Database RTGS/NEFT UTR No. BARBB20178098846 Dated 26/06/2020 /Receipt no. 28813 0.05 0.05 View view
e-books NLIST Database RTGS/NEFT UTR No. BARBB20178098846 Dated 26/06/2020 /Receipt no. 28813 View view
Shodhganga Open Access Open Access view
Databases DELNET - Digital Library Resources DD BARBB20178098846 Dated: 26/06/2020 /Receipt no. /61377/2020-21 memberships -IM5295 0.13 0.13 View View
Local and / or Remote access to e- resources (Specify) Savitribai Phule Pune University,Pune(Sub Center Nashik)E Library 0 0 View
Year 5 (2021-22)
Library resources If yes, details of memberships/subscriptions Expenditure on subscription to e-journals, e-books (INR in lakhs) Total Library Expenditure Link to the relevant document
Books Printed Books 3.78. 3.78. View View
Journals Printed Journals Purchased 1.04 1.04 View
e-Journals NLIST Database RTGS/NEFT UTR No. BARBBZ21085399749 Dated 26/03/2021 /Receipt no.Ref No.: 51615 0.05 0.05 View view
e-books Nlist\Nlist 2021-22.pdf View view
e-ShodhSindhu NLIST Database RTGS/NEFT UTR No. BARBBZ21085399749 Dated 26/03/2021 /Receipt no.Ref No.: 51615 View view
Shodhganga Open Access Open Access View
Databases DELNET - Digital Library Resources DD BARBB20178098846 Dated: 26/06/2020 /Receipt no. /61377/2020-21 memberships -IM5295 0.13 0.13 View view
Local and / or Remote access to e- resources (Specify) Savitribai Phule Pune University,Pune(Sub Center Nashik)E Library 0 0 View


  • While entering in the library students should keep their bag’s on the rack and enter their name in attendance register
  • Every student must produce his/her Identity Card while borrowing the Books.
  • Library will remain open from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. on all working days.
  • Every student must possess Identity Card while making use of library services and facilities and has to produce when demanded by the library staff.
  • Every student should get his ID issued from the library at the time of admission. No ID will be issued after the prescribed date or period. In special cases or under genuine circumstances, the ID will be issued after obtaining the principal’s permission and paying the requisite fine.
  • In case a student loses his/her ID, it should be reported to the library. He/ she should apply for the duplicate ID after paying the fee of Rs. 50/-.
  • Every student can borrow two books at a time for the period of seven days. Thereafter fine of Rs. 2/- per day will be charged on every delay.
  • Books and other reading materials issued to a student may be renewed only once provided there is no reservation against it.
  • Users must handle the books carefully. Books that are lost, torn, damaged or mutilated (i.e. tearing of pages, marking it with pen or pencil and the like) can be dealt with seriously. One and half times of the original price or more will be charged for such documents or may be asked to replace it with latest edition.
  • No lost document shall be accepted once the recovery is made.
  • Users are requested to check the document being borrowed is complete and no pages are missing form it before they leave the circulation counter. Such defect should be brought to the notice of the librarian or library personnel. If such defect is found at the time of the return user be accountable for it and will be charged accordingly.
  • The reference books, rare books, newspapers, current issues or bound volumes of periodicals are intended to be used in the library premises only. In special case the librarian has discretion to issue it to the library member.
  • Newly arrived book shall be displayed on the ‘New Arrivals Stand’ or showcase for specific period after its processing and till that time they cannot be issued. However, users can reserve it in advance.
  • Users can photocopy or print the document within the limits of copyright act and shall be solely responsible in case of its violation.
  • Silence and strict discipline should be maintained in the library. Indiscipline may lead to disciplinary action.
  • Books and other reading materials will be issued to the students as per the circulation timetable.
  • Library membership is not transferable. The student should not give his/her ID to others to borrow the books from the library. Library membership shall be cancelled in case of misuse of the ID Card.
  • Students should not argue with the counter staff in any case. They can approach to the librarian for their complaints and suggestions or can drop it in the suggestion box.
  • Rules for Reading Room

  • Library Reading Room will remain open from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. on all working days.
  • Every student must possess Identity Card while making use of library services and facilities and has to produce as and when demanded by the library staff.
  • Silence and strict discipline should be maintained in the library room. Indiscipline may lead to disciplinary action.
  • Use of mobiles, iPods and other musical instruments are strictly prohibited in the library premises.
  • Use of eatable in the library is strictly prohibited.
  • Students should take utmost care to keep the library clean.
  • Students should not cause harm to any instrument or furniture in any way. Such action may lead to suspension of library membership.


  • - Library advisory committee meeting
  • - Minutes of the Library Advisory Committee meeting
  • -Bar-coding of library books
  • - Telecommunication facility by using the Library Intercom
  • - Question paper archives
  • - Binding of books, journals
  • - Weed out of books
  • -CCTV camera, facility
  • -Library premises keeping neat and clean
  • - Library information in college magazine PINNACLE


    1. Library Web page – The Library department creates its different website for the library users which provides the updated information of the library. The low budget academic library can use the free Google tool for creating the separate webpage likehttps://sites.google.com.

    2. English Newspaper Reading – The college students read the one Article in English Newspaper on daily basis and also give the some abstract information to the other students.


    1. Library Manual – It is a offline reference source of library. This provides standardize operating system of the overall procedures of the library. Like acquisition process, library layout, library budget, subscription process, newspaper subscription, question paper archives, library membership, book circulation, library user footfall, innovative practices in library, library activity, stock verification process, weed out policy, etc.

    2. Library User Guide Manual –The Library department creates this reference tool on yearly basis. This tool helps to users to disseminate the awareness of introduction of the library, vision, mission, library hours, various users of the library, library rules, services, etc. it also called the “KNOW YOUR LIBRARY” to the Library user guide manual. And it will make available for the students

    3. SOP’- The library department also creates Standardized Operating Procedures of overall functioning of the library.

    4. Memorandum of Understanding– A memorandum of understanding is a type of agreement two (bilateral) or more (multilateral) parties. It does explain a convergence of will between the parties, indication an intended common line of action. The Mgv’s Pcmcs library start creates the MOU with the other libraries.


    Sr. No. Name of Staff Designation
    1 Mrs. Rupali M. Shardul (B.com., D.T.L., GDC&A., M.LIB.I.SC., SET) Librarian
    2 Vaibhav Sonawne Library Attendant
    3 Gokul Ahire Library Attendant


    DELNET (Developing Library Network) New Delhi Under this program, the user can get valuable e-source access. In this, there are more than 2,50,00,000 books available for the loan, in which more than 40,000 journals can access these e-sources of 5000+ full-text e-journal 100,000 Thesis/Dissertations. With provided passwords reader can access to these e-resources. http://www.delnet.in